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. 2019 May 26;10(11):2397–2406. doi: 10.7150/jca.32909

Table 4.

Causes of treatment failure in glioblastoma

Sl.No. Cause of treatment resistance Biomarkers Treatment strategy Challenges
1 Tumor hypoxia HIF-1α, HIF-2α Hyperbaric Oxygen, Allosteric hemoglobin modifiers, hypoxia activated prodrugs & Flurocarbons 8 limited efficacy, side effects including seizures, chemo-radioresistance
2 Telomere dysfunction TERC, TERT, TA Telomerase inhibitor (Imetelstat) 9,10 chemo-radioresistance
3 Immunosuppressive GBM microenvironment CD19, EGFRvIII, HER2, IL-13 Rα2 Car T-cell therapy 11 Immunosuppressive effects of RT, TMZ and corticosteroids
CTLA4, PDL1, PD1 Blockade checpoint inhibitors (Ex: PD1 checkpoint blockade), Vaccines, Adoptive cell transfer, Oncolytic viruses 12
Tumor heterogeneity EGFRvIII, SOX2, Olig2, MET, PDGFRA Targeted therapy 13 Identify and target all clonal sub-populations
4 Tumor microtubules Cx43, GAP-43, STMN1 Anti-microtubule activity drugs 14 Development of drug resistance
5 Inherent radioresistance MGMT promoter methylation Radiosensitizers (Ex: TMZ) Unmethylated MGMT in GBM
6 Conventional fraction in RT HIF-1α Altered fractionation, Simultaneous integrated boost-RT Microvascular damage, decreased vascular endothelial apoptosis 15

IL-13 Rα2: Interleukin-13 Receptor alpha 2; CTLA4: Cytotoxic T-Lymphocyte Associated Protein 4; PDL1: Programmed cell death ligand 1; PD1: Programmed cell death protein-1; Sox2: (sex determining region Y)-box 2; Olig2: Oligodendrocyte Transcription Factor 2; MET: MET Proto-Oncogene; PDGFRA: Platelet Derived Growth Factor Receptor Alpha; Cx43: Connexin 43; GAP-43: Gap associated protein 43; STMN1: Stathmin 1