Figure 2.
Overexpressed LNC CRYBG3 causes M phase arrest. (A & B) Cell cycle distribution after overexpression of LNC CRYBG3, assayed by flow cytometry. NC, lncRNA Negative control. (C & D) Cell cycle distribution after depress LNC CRYBG3 expression, assayed by flow cytometry. shRNA used LNC CRYBG3 short hairpin RNAs. (E) Flow cytometry profiles of pH3 and DNA content. For both panels the Y-axes represent pH3 levels, while the X-axes indicate the DNA content. The left panel shows merged distribution profiles of pH3 and DNA content in negative control group. The right panel shows pH3 and DNA content in LNC CRYBG3 overexpress group. (F) The percentage of pH3 positive cells among total cells is indicated. (G) This figure shows short hairpin RNA ( shRNA) of LNC CRYBG3 interference efficiency.