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. 2018 Dec 20;7:1560. Originally published 2018 Sep 26. [Version 2] doi: 10.12688/f1000research.16142.2

Table 5. Risk of bias in Howley et al. 2012.

Howley et al. 2012 9
Bias Authors'
Support for judgement
Random sequence generation
(selection bias)
Low risk An incisor in each pair was randomly assigned by a coin toss.
Allocation concealment
(selection bias)
Low risk Quote: An incisor in each pair was randomly assigned, by a coin toss to either the
experimental group or the control group with the contralateral- paired incisor being
designated to the other treatment group
Blinding of participants and
personnel (performance bias)
Low risk It is not possible to blind the operator and the participant blinding is ineffective on
Blinding of clinical outcomes
unclear risk Insufficient information to make a clear judgement
Blinding of radiological
outcomes assessment
Low risk Quote: The radiographs were evaluated independently by 2 standardized and
calibrated examiners who were not otherwise involved in the study.
It is not possible to blind the assessors due to the nature of treatment received.
Incomplete outcome data
(attrition bias)
Low risk 29 study patients, 3 patients failed to return for follow-up.