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. 2019 Mar 22;85(7):e02638-18. doi: 10.1128/AEM.02638-18


Comparison of sulfate-dependent AOM rates and abundance of ANME archaea in natural habitats

Habitat AOM rate (nmol cm−3 day−1) Abundance of ANME archaea Source or reference(s)
Sonora margin cold seep sediments NAa 1010–1011 16S rRNA gene copies g−1 (dry sediment) 24
Offshore Joetsu methane-seep sediments NA 105–109 mcrA gene copies g−1 (dry sediment) 36
Coastal reedbed sediments NA 107–108 mcrA gene copies g−1 (dry sediment) 34
Haima cold seep sediments NA 103–107 mcrA gene copies g−1 (dry sediment) 68
Natural gas fields NA <105 16S rRNA gene copies ml−1 31
Freshwater lake water column NA Less than the detection limit 33
Black Sea microbial mats and reefs 1,000–20,000 NA 16, 41
Cold seep sediments 100–5,000 NA 27, 38
Mud volcano 10–500 NA 26, 48
Coastal SMTZ 1–200 NA 28, 46, 49
Lake sediments 0.01–5 NA 50, 51
Subsurface SMTZ 0.001–1 NA 30
Black Sea water column 0.0001–0.01 NA 52
Zhoushan archipelago intertidal zone sediments 0–0.77 nmol g−1 (dry sediment) day−1 1.64 × 106 to 9.99 × 106 16S rDNA copies g−1 (dry sediment) This study

NA, not applicable