FIG 2.
Direct MmsR activation of the promoter of the neighboring gene U737_12745 via a predicted binding site. (A) Comparison of the wild-type and mutated genes for the predicted MmsR binding site upstream of ORF U737_12745 with known lux boxes in the promoter sequences of Vibrio fischeri luxI and M. tundripaludum mbaI. (B) Response of an E. coli reporter strain containing gfp fused to the promoter region of ORF U737_12745, in addition to mmsR on a separate plasmid, to an acyl-HSL signal. EtOAc, ethyl acetate (solvent control); 3-OH-C10-HSL, 10 nM commercially available signal; M. tundripaludum and LW13 extract, ethyl acetate extracts from the supernatants of stationary-phase cultures of M. tundripaludum and LW13, respectively. Data are the mean ± standard deviation of three cultures.