Table 2.
Results of studies describing the association of maternal smoking and folate levels
First author (year) | Definition of smokinga | Folate metaboliteb | Measured in | Timec of measurement | Statistical analysis | Measure of association | Results | SD/SE | 95% CI/IQR | P value | Adjustmentsd |
Adaikalakoteswari (2015) | Any active smoking | Folate | Maternal serum | At birth | Student's t test | Difference in means |
sm: 10.1 μg/L nsm: 10.7 μg/L |
9.7–13.3e 10.6–13.9 |
ns | − | |
Umbilical cord blood |
sm: 16.5 μg/L nsm: 16.9 μg/L |
15.8–17.7e 16.4–18.2 |
ns | − | |||||||
Ambroszkiewicz (2007) | nm | Folate | Maternal serum | At birth | Student's t test | Difference in means |
sm: 12.80 ng/ml; nsm: 13.32 ng/ml; |
9.40f 3.19 |
ns | − | |
Umbilical cord blood | Folic acid levels lower in smokers | ns | − | ||||||||
Baker (2009) | nm | Folate | Maternal RBC | 30.3 ± 2.1 (mean ± SD) | Linear regression | Ratio of geometric means (nsm as reference) | 0.82g | 0.72–0.94e | 0.006 | − | |
Maternal serum | 0.80g | 0.67–0.96e | 0.015 | − | |||||||
Bergen (2012) | Any active smoking | Folate | Maternal serum | 13.2 (11.4–16.2), median (90% range) | Linear regression | Regression coefficient | −0.43 | −0.51 to −0.36e | <0.001 | − | |
Bodnar (2010) | Any active smoking | Folate | Maternal serum | 9.4 (7.5–12.1), median (IQR) | Pearson chi‐square | Difference in number of smokers across folate tertiles |
Lowest folate tertile, sm: n = 67 (64%) Middle tertile, sm: n = 61 (58%) Upper tertile, sm: n = 47 (45%) |
<0.05 | − | ||
Coker (2013) | ≥3 cigarettes/day for >3 years | Folic acid | Maternal serum, | At birth | Mann–Whitney U and Wilcoxon paired tests | Difference in means |
sm: 7.0 ng/ml nsm: 9.6 ng/ml |
4.2h 4.5 |
0.041 | − | |
Umbilical cord blood |
sm: 15.4 ng/ml nsm: 16.9 ng/ml |
4.6h 4.5 |
0.207 | − | |||||||
Furness (2013) | nm | Folate | Maternal RBC | 18–20 | t test | Difference in means (nmol/L) |
sm: 463 nsm: 687 |
354–571e 647–727 |
<0.001 | − | |
Maternal serum |
sm: 22.6 nsm: 27.3 |
17.9–27.3e 25.5–29.0 |
0.035 | − | |||||||
Furness (2012) | nm | Folate | Maternal RBC | 10–12 | ANOVA | Difference in means |
sm: 507.3 nmol/L nsm: 657.3 nmol/L |
<0.001 | − | ||
Pearson correlation | Correlation coefficient | r = −0.256 | 0.002 | − | |||||||
Gadowsky (1995) | ≥1 cigarette/day | Folate | Maternal plasma | 35.9 ± 0.2 | Pearson correlation | Correlation coefficient | nm | ns | − | ||
Maternal RBC | r = −0.35 | <0.009 | − | ||||||||
Hay (2010) | Any active smoking | Folate | Umbilical cord blood | At birth | Linear regression | Partial correlation coefficient | r = −0.17 | 0.052 | +++ | ||
Jauniaux (2007) | Cotinine levels > 25 ng/ml | Folate | Maternal serum | Median: 9.2 | Least squares method and F test | Difference in medians |
sm: 7.5 nmol/L nsm: 14.3 nmol/L |
5.3–14.3i 11.1–20.0 |
<0.001 | − | |
Knight (1994) | Any active smoking of marihuana | Folate | Maternal serum | 3rd trimester | Pearson correlation | Correlation coefficient | r = −0.25 | 0.02 | − | ||
Larroque (1992) | ≥1 cigarette/day | Folate | Maternal serum | 33 (14–41) | Correlation | Correlation coefficient | r = −0.13 | 0.05 | − | ||
Multiple linear regression | Beta | β = −0.02 | 0.39 | − | |||||||
Maternal RBC | Correlation | Correlation coefficient | r = −0.12 | 0.06 | − | ||||||
Multiple linear regression | Beta | β = −3.9 | 0.01 | − | |||||||
Matsuzaki (2008) | Any active smoking | Folate | Maternal serum | 11–40 | Logistic regression | Odds ratio (of normal folic acid levels) | OR = 0.632 | 0.276–1.45e | ns | − | |
McDonald (2002) | Any active smoking | Folate | Maternal serum | 1st and early 2nd trimesters | Unpaired t test | Difference in means |
sm: 22.7 nmol/L nsm: 29.4 nmol/L |
7.6h 8.9 |
0.001 | ||
Maternal RBC |
sm: 766 nmol/L nsm: 900 nmol/L |
246h 317 |
0.038 | ||||||||
Mito (2007) | Any active smoking | Folate | Maternal serum | 1st trimester | Chi‐square test | Percentage of smokers according to folate levels |
<9 ng/ml: 20.6 ≥9 ng/ml: 16.7 |
0.327 | − | ||
Nilsen (2010) | Cotinine level ≥ 85 nmol/L | Folate | Maternal plasma | Median: 18 | Spearman correlation | Correlation coefficient | r = −0.12 | <0.001 | ++ | ||
Ozerol (2004) | ≥2 cigarettes/day | Folate | Maternal serum | 16–22 | Mann–Whitney U test | Difference in means |
sm: 4.6 nmol/L nsm: 14.1 nmol/L |
0.4f 1.4 |
<0.001 | − | |
Pagan (2001) | Thiocyanate blood levels in highest quartile | Folate | Maternal serum | 18 | Student's t test | Difference in means |
sm: 47 nmol/L nsm: 54 nmol/L |
31h 38 |
ns | − | |
30 |
sm: 38 nmol/L nsm: 54 nmol/L |
30h 39 |
<0.005 | − | |||||||
Prasodjo (2014) | Active: Cotinine > 3 ng/ml | Maternal whole blood | 16 | Linear regression | Beta | −94 | −195 to 6e | 0.07 | ++ | ||
Passive: >0 and 3 ng/ml | −26 | −84 to 32e | 0.38 | ++ | |||||||
Relton (2005) | Any active smoking | Folate | Maternal RBC | 11.5 | Linear regression | Correlation coefficient | r = −1.38 | −1.92 to −0.86e | <0.001 | − | |
Umbilical cord blood | At birth | r = 0.31 | −0.62 to 1.25e | 0.50 | − | ||||||
Sram (2005) | Any (active or passive) | Folate | Maternal plasma | At birth | nm | Difference in means | Europeans: | Nm | − | ||
sm: 22.0 nmol/L nsm: 26.6 nmol/L |
15.9f 16.8 |
Teplice Europeans: | |||||||||||
sm: 21.3 nmol/L nsm: 24.5 nmol/L |
16.3 16.8 |
Prague Europeans: | |||||||||||
sm: 23.4 nmol/L nsm: 28.6 nmol/L |
14.8 16.3 |
Umbilical cord blood | Europeans: | − | |||||||||
sm: 45.2 nmol/L nsm: 49.0 nmol/L |
15.7f 17.7 |
Teplice Europeans: | |||||||||||
sm: 43.8 nmol/L nsm: 48.4 nmol/L |
15.4 17.4 |
Prague Europeans: | |||||||||||
sm: 47.9 nmol/L nsm: 49.9 nmol/L |
15.7 17.5 |
Stark (2005) | Any (active or passive) | 5‐MTHFA | Maternal plasma | 24 | Linear regression | Standardized beta | Maternal smoking: β = −0.12 | 0.23 | ++ | ||
Paternal smoking: β = −0.26 | 0.019 | ||||||||||
Pearson correlation | Regression coefficient | Maternal smoking: r = −0.03 |
ns |
++ |
Prepregnancy maternal smoking: r = −0.04 |
ns |
Paternal smoking: r = −0.21 | 0.043 | ||||||||||
Stark (2007) | Any active smoking | 5‐MTHFA | Umbilical cord blood | 24 | t test | Difference in means |
sm: 15.1 ng/ml nsm: 19.0 ng/ml |
7.6h 7.0 |
0.0498; adjusted: 0.034 | + | |
Pearson correlation |
Correlation coefficients | Number of cigarettes smoked at first prenatal visit: r = −0.31 | 0.019 | ||||||||
Number of cigarettes smoked before pregnancy: r = −0.30 | 0.023 | ||||||||||
Linear regression | Standardized beta | Maternal cigarettes smoked/day: β = −0.31 | 0.009 | ||||||||
Van Uitert (2014) | Any active smoking | Folate | Maternal RBC | 7 (4–11) | Difference in means | sm: 1,257 nmol/L nsm: 1,627 nmol/L |
239h 475 |
<0.01 | − | ||
Percentage of smokers per quartile |
Folate Q1: sm = 36.8%; Q2: sm = 20%; Q3: sm = 5.3%; Q4: sm = 5.3% |
0.024 | |||||||||
Van Wersch (2002) | ≥20 cigarettes/day | Folate | Maternal serum | 0–10 | Mann–Whitney U test | Difference in medians |
sm: 8.2 nmol/L nsm: 12.2 nmol/L |
4.8–12.9i 8.8–48.0 |
ns | − | |
11–20 |
sm: 6.4 nmol/L nsm: 11.1 nmol/L |
3.0–10.1i 9.2–17.6 |
0.03 | − | |||||||
21–30 |
sm: 4.1 nmol/L nsm: 12.1 nmol/L |
2.0–12.2i 8.9–18.7 |
0.002 | − | |||||||
31–40 |
sm: 3.7 nmol/L nsm: 9.3 nmol/L |
1.6–6.9i 6.8–13.7 |
0.0002 | − | |||||||
Vandevijvere (2012) | Any active smoking | Folate | Maternal RBC | 1st or 3rd trimester | Linear regression | Beta |
First trimester: β = 0.974j Third trimester: β = 0.098g |
0.313f 0.036f |
0.002 0.006 |
+++ | |
Yila (2016) | Any (active/passive) | Folate | Maternal serum | 1st trimester | Logistic regression | Odds of low folate status |
psm: 1.20 sm: 1.91 |
1.10–1.31e 1.70–2.14 |
<0.001 | +++ |
Note. 5‐MTHFA: 5‐methyltetrahydrofolic acid; SE: standard error; CI: confidence interval; IQR: interquartile range; nm: not mentioned; ns: nonsignificant; sm: smoking women; nsm: nonsmoking women; psm: women exposed to passive smoking; RBC: red blood cell; ANOVA: analysis of variance.
Smoking refers to tobacco smoking unless mentioned otherwise.
Nomenclature in table as in original paper.
Weeks of gestation.
Adjustment level was categorized as follows: −, unadjusted; +, 4 covariates or less; ++, 5 to 8 covariates; +++, 9 or more covariates.
95% CI.
Log transformed.
Root square transformed.