Fitted firm knots and external to the
anastomosis (First double and two simple ones). |
Needle positioning on the Needle Holder (1 \
3 distal with 90 degree angle). |
Needle penetration (90° skin tissue inlet
making the curvature at the exit, with smooth movements and
without damaging the tissue). |
Use both hands in a coordinated way (Skin
tissue presentation and needle assembly). |
Skin tissue amount (Penetrate the needle in
the same skin tissue amount on both sides of the
anastomosis, avoiding picking up too much or too
little). |
Handling the surgical thread (It draws the
thread in its most proximal portion to the tissue. It does
not break or damage the thread and removes its remains from
the simulator). |
Equivalent distance between points (4 to 6
mm, leaving no redundancy between the angles). |
It uses the wizard (tissue exposure, suture
pull and camera manipulation). |
Operation flow (Starts with posterior
anastomosis and ends with anterior anastomosis using
appropriate tweezers and 2 wires). |
Persistent and intact anastomosis (Diameter
greater than 3cm and absence of visible fenestrations). |
Total of points: