Figure 3.
An example on the use of unique resource identifiers (URIs) for identifying all the objects present in single images taken in (a) glasshouse and (b) field experiment. (b) Exemplification of the concept of gap fraction in Fig. 2 and text; namely, the proportion of sky that is viewed in this picture. In the glasshouse, an image <m3p:arch/2017/ic17002295855> of a given plant <m3p:arch/2017/c17000118> that is placed in a pot <m3p:arch/2013/pc13001542> and a cart <m3p:arch/2013/ct1300123> is acquired in a cabin <m3p:arch/2018/ac180015> with an RGB camera <m3p:arch/2018/ac180019>. Note that Localinfra_a and installation1 in the text are represented by M3P and arch here, to match with supplementary information. In the field, an image <diaphen:2017/ic14001480237> of a plot <diaphen:2017/o1700029> containing a plant diaphen:2017/17000147> and a leaf <diaphen:2017/l17000590> is acquired using a hemispherical camera <diaphen:2018/ac180002>. The prefixes m3p: and diaphen: preceding URIs stand for <> and <> respectively.