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. 2018 Jul 12;14(Suppl 4):e12624. doi: 10.1111/mcn.12624

Table 1.

Trends of individual‐, household‐, and community‐level demographic and socio‐economic characteristics in study sample and clusters from 2004 to 2014 in Bangladesh

2004 2007 2011 2014 AARI P trend
N % or mean (SE) N % or mean (SE) N % or mean (SE) N % or mean (SE)
N 1,793 1,721 2,334 2,429
Child characteristics
Female 1,793 51.3 1,721 50.1 2,334 49.3 2,429 47.5 −0.8 .06
Currently breastfed 1,793 96.4 1,721 95.8 2,334 94.4 2,429 93.5 −0.3 ***
Age (months) 1,793 1,721 2,334 2,429 .68
6–11 32.2 35.5 36.1 34.9 0.8
12–17 40.1 30.5 34.8 34.1 −1.6
18–23 27.6 34.0 29.1 30.9 1.1
Birth order 1,793 1,721 2,334 2,429 ***
Firstborn 30.7 36.8 36.0 39.9 2.7
Second to fourth 54.7 53.1 55.5 54.1 −0.1
Fifth and more 14.6 10.1 8.5 6.1 −8.5
Child health: had the following symptom in the past 2 weeks
Diarrhoea 1,791 12.3 1,721 13.9 2,333 7.5 2,428 7.9 −4.3 ***
Fever 1,793 48.7 1,721 45.6 2,333 45.0 2,427 42.0 −1.5 **
Cough 1,793 51.8 1,720 44.4 2,333 41.8 2,428 37.2 −3.2 ***
Maternal characteristics
Age (years) 1,793 24.2 (0.17) 1,721 24.0 (0.16) 2,334 24.2 (0.13) 2,429 24.3 (0.14) .44
BMI (kg/m2) 1,774 1,709 2,287 2,429 ***
Undernourishment (<18.5) 43.2 35.9 33.1 26.5 −4.8
Normal (18.5–24.9) 52.2 57.4 58.2 58.7 1.2
Overweight or obesity (≥25) 4.6 6.7 8.7 14.8 12.5
Primary or higher education completed 1,793 65.5 1,721 77.9 2,334 83.3 2,429 86.4 2.8 ***
Exposure to media: at least once a week
Reading newspaper 1,793 7.5 1,721 6.4 2,333 5.3 2,421 5.9 −2.4 .06
Listening to radio 1,793 33.7 1,721 19.1 2,333 4.8 2,429 2.4 −23.2 ***
Watching TV 1,793 44.2 1,721 45.5 2,333 47.6 2,429 49.4 1.1 *
Involved in decision making on
Large household purchases 1,653 47.8 1,561 54.1 2,309 54.5 2,395 57.3 1.8 ***
Visiting family and friends 1,660 46.8 1,553 56.6 2,306 57.2 2,395 58.8 2.3 ***
Regarding own health care 1,715 39.1 1,590 54.0 2,309 59.5 2,395 63.3 4.9 ***
Paternal characteristics
Age (years) 1,764 33.6 (0.22) 1,685 32.9 (0.24) 2,301 32.8 (0.17) 2,392 32.5 (0.17) ***
Primary or higher education completed 1,792 26.5 1,718 27.8 2,332 29.9 2,428 30.0 1.3 ***
Household characteristics
Female household head 1,793 6.2 1,721 9.6 2,334 7.6 2,429 9.0 3.8 .12
No. of household members 1,793 6.5 (0.09) 1,721 6.4 (0.11) 2,334 6.2 (0.08) 2,392 6.1 (0.08) ***
No. of children under 5 years 1,793 1.5 (0.02) 1,721 1.4 (0.03) 2,334 1.4 (0.03) 2,429 1.3 (0.02) ***
Unimproved source of drinking water 1,793 3.6 1,721 2.8 2,334 1.5 2,429 2.8 −2.4 .39
Unimproved toilet facility 1,793 43.9 1,721 62.3 2,334 47.0 2,429 31.4 −3.3 ***
Shared toilet with other households 1,793 N/A 1,721 45.4 2,334 39.7 2,429 35.3 −3.5 ***
2004 2007 2011 2014
Community characteristics N or % or median [IQR] N or % or median [IQR] N or % or median [IQR] N or % or median [IQR] AARI P trend
No. of clusters 361 356 584 582
Rural residence 66.2 62.9 66.1 65.8 −0.1 .77
Geographical region **
Barisal 11.9 13.8 12.0 11.7 −0.2
Chittagong 17.7 17.4 15.8 15.6 −1.2
Dhaka 23.5 21.9 17.8 18.4 −2.4
Khulna 15.0 14.9 14.4 13.6 −1.0
Rajshahi 22.2 18.8 28.3 28.9 2.7
Sylhet 9.7 13.2 11.8 11.9 2.0
Access to health care
% Children completed age‐appropriate vaccine 71.4 [58.8, 81.3] 80.0 [66.7, 90.0] 83.3 [71.4, 90.0] 81.8 [69.2, 90.9] 1.4 ***
% Delivered at health facility 7.7 [0.0, 18.8] 11.8 [5.0, 31.0] 27.0 [10.0, 44.9] 40.0 [18.2, 66.7] 17.9 ***
% Delivered with professional assistance 10.5 [5.0, 25.0] 15.8 [6.5, 36.4] 30.0 [11.8, 50.0] 42.9 [22.2, 70.0] 15.1 ***
% Had caesarean delivery 0.0 [0.0, 7.1] 6.3 [0.0, 16.2] 11.8 [0.0, 25.0] 20.0 [0.0, 40.0] ***
% Had ≥4 ANC visits 13.3 [4.3, 30.0] 17.9 [6.7, 38.5] 21.4 [8.3, 44.4] 28.6 [13.3, 50.0] 8.0 ***
% Postnatal check‐up on woman within 1 day of delivery 7.1 [0.0, 15.8] 26.8 [14.3, 43.3] 25.0 [9.1, 44.4] 41.7 [20.0, 57.1] 19.4 ***
% Postnatal check‐up on child within 1 day of delivery N/A N/A 25.0 [11.8, 44.1] 38.0 [20.0, 60.0] 37.5 [12.5, 54.5] **
% Children 0–5 years received vitamin A in the last 6 months 70.6 [60.0, 80.0] 77.8 [66.7, 86.2] 57.1 [40.0, 72.7] 61.5 [45.5, 73.3] −1.4 ***
% Children 0–5 years received iron pills, sprinkles, or syrup in the last 7 days N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.0 [0.0, 0.0] 0.0 0 [0.0, 7.7] ***
% Women given or bought iron tablets during pregnancy 53.8 [35.7, 69.2] 58.3 [41.2, 75.0] N/A N/A N/A N/A 2.7 *

Note. P trend values are from linear or logistic regression between continuous or binary sample characteristics and year, adjusting for complex sampling design. P trend values for ordinal variables are from nronparametric tests. AARI = average annual rate of increase.


p < .5;


p < .01;


p < .001.