Figure 3.
Release of the antibiotics gentamicin (A) and vancomycin (B) from cylindrical test specimens of three different cements in vitro. Values are mean ± standard deviation of released antibiotic per specimen over 24 h on the indicated days. Percentage of released antibiotics per incorporated antibiotic per specimen per day is presented in Italics. §—Values are calculated based on an average weight of 5.6 g per specimen with 1.17% w/w gentamicin and 4.66% w/w vancomycin, 1.17% w/w gentamicin and 4.67% w/w vancomycin as well as 1.16% w/w gentamicin and 4.65% w/w vancomycin per weight of powder component for COPAL® spacem, PALACOS® R+G and COPAL® G+V, respectively. Results were recorded from five independent experiments. In vitro results were compared using two‐way repeated measures ANOVA with time and cement as variables followed by Bonferroni post‐tests. *** extremely significant p < 0.001 (Bonferroni post‐tests) G = gentamicin, V = vancomycin.