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. 2017 Nov 17;14(Suppl 4):e12564. doi: 10.1111/mcn.12564

Table 1.

List of variables included in the risk factor analysis

Child characteristics
Age (months) 6–11, 12–17, or 18–23
Sex Female or male
Birth order Firstborn, second to fourth born, or fifth or higher
Birth interval (month) No previous birth, <24, or ≥24
Perceived birth weight Size of child as reported subjectively by the respondent and categorized into smaller than average, average, and larger than average
Vitamin A supplementation Yes or no, for receiving supplementation in the past 6 months (NDHS 2006 and 2011) or in the past day (NDHS 2014)
Complete age‐appropriate vaccination Whether or not receiving sufficient doses of BCG, DPT, polio and measles vaccine at proper age per WHO immunization guidelines (World Health Organization). Categorized as none, some, or complete
Child health
Diarrhoea Yes or no for any reported diarrhoea in the past 2 weeks
Fever Yes or no for any reported fever in the past 2 weeks
Cough Yes or no for any reported cough in the past 2 weeks
Maternal characteristics
Age (years) 15–24, 25–34, or 35–49
BMI (kg/m2) <18.5, 18.5–24.9, or ≥25
Smoker Yes or no for current smoking
Utilization of reproductive health care
Place of delivery Health facility or other
Type of delivery assistance Delivered by health professional, traditional birth attendant, or other
Caesarean delivery Yes or no
Number of antenatal clinic visits None, 1–3, or ≥4
Timing of postnatal check‐up on woman (days) 0–1, ≥2, or missing/unknown
Timing of postnatal check‐up on child (days) 0–1, ≥2, or missing/unknown
Education No education, primary, or secondary/higher
Exposure to media
Reading newspaper Read at least once a week or less often
Listening to radio Listened at least once a week or less often
Watching TV Watched at least once a week or less often
Involved in decision‐making on
How man's income is used Yes or no
Large household purchases Yes or no
Visiting family and friends Yes or no
Regarding own health care Yes or no
Attitude toward domestic violence: Beating justified if
Goes out without telling him Yes or no
Neglects the children Yes or no
Argues with him Yes or no
Refuses to have sex with him Yes or no
Burns the food Yes or no
Overall attitude toward domestic violence High if all five above reported as no, or low if at least one above reported as yes
Women's empowerment score Total number of “yes” of questions under decision making domain, plus 1 if “high” or plus 0 if “low” in overall attitude toward domestic violence
Sociocultural groups Brahmin/Chhetri, Janajati, Dalit, or other, according to (Bennett et al., 2008)
Paternal characteristics
Age (years) 15–24, 25–34, or ≥35
Education No education, primary, or secondary/higher
Occupation Categorized into not working, agricultural and non‐agricultural
Household characteristics
Sex of household head Female or male
No. of household members Total number of people living in the same household
No. of children under 5 years Total number of children under 5 years living in the same household
Types of cooking fuel Efficient (electricity, LPG, natural gas, and biogas) or non‐efficient fuels (wood, straw/shrubs/grass, animal dung, and other)
Water characteristics
Source of drinking water Improved or unimproved according to (World Health Organization & UNICEF, 2006)
Location of drinking water In own dwelling/yard/plot or elsewhere
Time to get to water source (min) 0, 1–59, or ≥60
Toilet characteristics
Types of toilet facility Improved or unimproved according to (World Health Organization & UNICEF, 2006)
Shared toilet with other households Yes or no
Household wealth Categorized into quintiles
Community characteristics
Place of residence Rural or urban
Development region Eastern, Central, Western, Mid‐Western, or Far‐Western
Ecological zone Terai, hill, or mountain
Overall maternal education Proportion of women within community completed primary or higher education
Overall women's empowerment Mean women's empowerment score within community
Overall toilet condition Proportion of households within community using unimproved toilets
Overall shared toilet Proportion of households within community using shared toilets
Access to health care
Overall child vaccination status Proportion of children 0–5 years within community with age‐appropriate vaccination
Overall facility delivery Proportion of women within community who gave birth to their youngest child 0–5 years at health facilities
Overall health professional delivery Proportion of women within community who have given birth to their youngest child 0–5 years assisted by health professionals
Overall caesarean delivery Proportion of women within community who have given birth to their youngest child 0–5 years by caesarean delivery
Overall utility of antenatal clinic visits Proportion of women within community who had at least four antenatal clinic visits prior to the birth of their youngest child 0–5 years
Overall timing of postnatal check‐up on women Proportion of women within community who had their postnatal check‐up done within 1 day after delivery of their youngest child 0–5 years
Overall timing of postnatal check‐up on children Proportion of youngest children 0–5 years within community who had their postnatal check‐up done within 1 day after delivery
Overall child vitamin A supplementation Proportion of youngest children 0–5 years within community received vitamin A in the past 6 months
Overall child iron supplementation Proportion of youngest children 0–5 years within community received iron pills, sprinkles or syrup in the past 7 days
Overall maternal iron supplementation Proportion of women within community given or who bought iron tablets during pregnancy of their youngest children 0–5 years
Rank of access to health care The summed rank of all community‐level indicators was created as the composite index of overall access to health care. The summed rank was categorized into quintiles.

Note. NDHS = Nepal Demographic and Health Surveys; BCG = bacille Calmette‐Guerin; DPT = diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis; BMI = body mass index.