Table 1.
List of variables included in the risk factor analysis
Definition | |
Child characteristics | |
Age (months) | 6–11, 12–17, or 18–23 |
Sex | Female or male |
Birth order | Firstborn, second to fourth born, or fifth or higher |
Birth interval (month) | No previous birth, <24, or ≥24 |
Perceived birth weight | Size of child as reported subjectively by the respondent and categorized into smaller than average, average, and larger than average |
Vitamin A supplementation | Yes or no, for receiving supplementation in the past 6 months (NDHS 2006 and 2011) or in the past day (NDHS 2014) |
Complete age‐appropriate vaccination | Whether or not receiving sufficient doses of BCG, DPT, polio and measles vaccine at proper age per WHO immunization guidelines (World Health Organization). Categorized as none, some, or complete |
Child health | |
Diarrhoea | Yes or no for any reported diarrhoea in the past 2 weeks |
Fever | Yes or no for any reported fever in the past 2 weeks |
Cough | Yes or no for any reported cough in the past 2 weeks |
Maternal characteristics | |
Age (years) | 15–24, 25–34, or 35–49 |
BMI (kg/m2) | <18.5, 18.5–24.9, or ≥25 |
Smoker | Yes or no for current smoking |
Utilization of reproductive health care | |
Place of delivery | Health facility or other |
Type of delivery assistance | Delivered by health professional, traditional birth attendant, or other |
Caesarean delivery | Yes or no |
Number of antenatal clinic visits | None, 1–3, or ≥4 |
Timing of postnatal check‐up on woman (days) | 0–1, ≥2, or missing/unknown |
Timing of postnatal check‐up on child (days) | 0–1, ≥2, or missing/unknown |
Education | No education, primary, or secondary/higher |
Exposure to media | |
Reading newspaper | Read at least once a week or less often |
Listening to radio | Listened at least once a week or less often |
Watching TV | Watched at least once a week or less often |
Involved in decision‐making on | |
How man's income is used | Yes or no |
Large household purchases | Yes or no |
Visiting family and friends | Yes or no |
Regarding own health care | Yes or no |
Attitude toward domestic violence: Beating justified if | |
Goes out without telling him | Yes or no |
Neglects the children | Yes or no |
Argues with him | Yes or no |
Refuses to have sex with him | Yes or no |
Burns the food | Yes or no |
Overall attitude toward domestic violence | High if all five above reported as no, or low if at least one above reported as yes |
Women's empowerment score | Total number of “yes” of questions under decision making domain, plus 1 if “high” or plus 0 if “low” in overall attitude toward domestic violence |
Sociocultural groups | Brahmin/Chhetri, Janajati, Dalit, or other, according to (Bennett et al., 2008) |
Paternal characteristics | |
Age (years) | 15–24, 25–34, or ≥35 |
Education | No education, primary, or secondary/higher |
Occupation | Categorized into not working, agricultural and non‐agricultural |
Household characteristics | |
Sex of household head | Female or male |
No. of household members | Total number of people living in the same household |
No. of children under 5 years | Total number of children under 5 years living in the same household |
Types of cooking fuel | Efficient (electricity, LPG, natural gas, and biogas) or non‐efficient fuels (wood, straw/shrubs/grass, animal dung, and other) |
Water characteristics | |
Source of drinking water | Improved or unimproved according to (World Health Organization & UNICEF, 2006) |
Location of drinking water | In own dwelling/yard/plot or elsewhere |
Time to get to water source (min) | 0, 1–59, or ≥60 |
Toilet characteristics | |
Types of toilet facility | Improved or unimproved according to (World Health Organization & UNICEF, 2006) |
Shared toilet with other households | Yes or no |
Household wealth | Categorized into quintiles |
Community characteristics | |
Place of residence | Rural or urban |
Development region | Eastern, Central, Western, Mid‐Western, or Far‐Western |
Ecological zone | Terai, hill, or mountain |
Overall maternal education | Proportion of women within community completed primary or higher education |
Overall women's empowerment | Mean women's empowerment score within community |
Overall toilet condition | Proportion of households within community using unimproved toilets |
Overall shared toilet | Proportion of households within community using shared toilets |
Access to health care | |
Overall child vaccination status | Proportion of children 0–5 years within community with age‐appropriate vaccination |
Overall facility delivery | Proportion of women within community who gave birth to their youngest child 0–5 years at health facilities |
Overall health professional delivery | Proportion of women within community who have given birth to their youngest child 0–5 years assisted by health professionals |
Overall caesarean delivery | Proportion of women within community who have given birth to their youngest child 0–5 years by caesarean delivery |
Overall utility of antenatal clinic visits | Proportion of women within community who had at least four antenatal clinic visits prior to the birth of their youngest child 0–5 years |
Overall timing of postnatal check‐up on women | Proportion of women within community who had their postnatal check‐up done within 1 day after delivery of their youngest child 0–5 years |
Overall timing of postnatal check‐up on children | Proportion of youngest children 0–5 years within community who had their postnatal check‐up done within 1 day after delivery |
Overall child vitamin A supplementation | Proportion of youngest children 0–5 years within community received vitamin A in the past 6 months |
Overall child iron supplementation | Proportion of youngest children 0–5 years within community received iron pills, sprinkles or syrup in the past 7 days |
Overall maternal iron supplementation | Proportion of women within community given or who bought iron tablets during pregnancy of their youngest children 0–5 years |
Rank of access to health care | The summed rank of all community‐level indicators was created as the composite index of overall access to health care. The summed rank was categorized into quintiles. |
Note. NDHS = Nepal Demographic and Health Surveys; BCG = bacille Calmette‐Guerin; DPT = diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis; BMI = body mass index.