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. 2019 Jun 20;191(Suppl 1):268. doi: 10.1007/s10661-019-7322-6

Table 2.

Definition of NWCA target population and description of seven NWCA wetland types and four aggregated wetland types

Target population NWCA wetland type Aggregated wetland type Description
Wetlands across conterminous USA representing tidal and non-tidal systems that have rooted vegetation and, when present, open water ≤ 1-m deep Estuarine (E) EH: estuarine intertidal emergent EH: estuarine intertidal herbaceous Estuarine intertidal emergent
EW: estuarine intertidal shrub/forest EW: estuarine intertidal woody Estuarine intertidal shrub and forested wetlands
Inland (I) PRL-EM: palustrine, riverine, and lacustrine emergent PRLH: palustrine, riverine, and lacustrine herbaceous Emergent, ponded, or previously farmed wetlands in palustrine, shallow riverine, or shallow lacustrine littoral settings
PRL-UBAB -Palustrine, riverine, and lacustrine unconsolidated bottom/aquatic bed
PRL-f: palustrine, riverine, and lacustrine farmed (not actively farmed)
PRL-SS: palustrine, riverine, and lacustrine shrub/scrub PRLW: palustrine, riverine, and lacustrine woody Forest or shrub dominated wetlands in palustrine, shallow riverine, or shallow lacustrine littoral settings
PRL-FO: palustrine, riverine, and lacustrine forested