Wetlands across conterminous USA representing tidal and non-tidal systems that have rooted vegetation and, when present, open water ≤ 1-m deep |
Estuarine (E) |
EH: estuarine intertidal emergent |
EH: estuarine intertidal herbaceous |
Estuarine intertidal emergent |
EW: estuarine intertidal shrub/forest |
EW: estuarine intertidal woody |
Estuarine intertidal shrub and forested wetlands |
Inland (I) |
PRL-EM: palustrine, riverine, and lacustrine emergent |
PRLH: palustrine, riverine, and lacustrine herbaceous |
Emergent, ponded, or previously farmed wetlands in palustrine, shallow riverine, or shallow lacustrine littoral settings |
PRL-UBAB -Palustrine, riverine, and lacustrine unconsolidated bottom/aquatic bed |
PRL-f: palustrine, riverine, and lacustrine farmed (not actively farmed) |
PRL-SS: palustrine, riverine, and lacustrine shrub/scrub |
PRLW: palustrine, riverine, and lacustrine woody |
Forest or shrub dominated wetlands in palustrine, shallow riverine, or shallow lacustrine littoral settings |
PRL-FO: palustrine, riverine, and lacustrine forested |