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. 2019 Jul;20(7):605–612. doi: 10.1631/jzus.B1900051

Table 4.

Multivariate analysis of overall survival in all transplant recipients

 Variable B SE Wald df Sig. Exp(B)
 Age (>50 years vs. ≤50 years) −0.685 0.537 1.627 1 0.202 0.504
 Gender (female vs. male) −2.044 0.537 14.488 1 0.000 0.130
 Serum creatinine (>130 μmol/L vs. ≤130 μmol/L) 13.447 846.409 0.000 1 0.987 691446
 ABO compatibility −1.039 1.054 0.972 1 0.324 0.354
 MELD score (≤22 vs. >22) 0.714 0.604 1.399 1 0.237 2.043
 Child-Pugh status (Child C vs. Child A and Child B) −0.811 0.680 1.423 1 0.233 0.444
 Galectin-9 expression (high vs. low) −0.666 0.572 1.355 1 0.044 0.514

B: coefficient; SE: standard error; Wald: Wald statistic; df: degrees of freedom; Sig.: significance level; Exp(B): exponentiation of the B