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. 2019 Apr 12;15(1):18–24. doi: 10.17925/EE.2019.15.1.18

Table 4: Spousal interventional studies among people with diabetes.

Study and year Sample size Domains/parameters Interventions, scales or tools Results Conclusion
Trief et al., 201668 280 couples Glycaemic control and secondary outcomes: BMI, waist circumference, blood pressure, depressive symptoms, diabetes self-efficacy, and diabetes distress Four-month intervention among three arms: CC n=104, IC n=94; DE n=82
  • Significant HbA1C reductions for all (12 months: CC -0.47%, IC -0.52%, DE -0.57%)

  • For BMI, the CC arm showed significant improvement (4 months -0.354, p=0.009; 8 months -0.393, p=0.027; 12 months -0.474, p=0.021) with significant WC reductions at all follow ups (p<0.001)

  • The IC arm showed greater blood pressure improvement while results for secondary psychosocial outcomes favoured the CC arm

A collaborative couples intervention resulted in significant, lasting improvements in HbA1C levels, obesity measures, and some psychosocial outcomes
Trief et al., 201169 Couples (n=44), in which one partner had T2DM Telephone goal-setting, dietary behaviour change, and a focus on emotions Couple intervention, individual intervention, individual DE
  • Mixed-model regression analyses found statistically significant treatment effects for total cholesterol

DE resulted in improved blood glucose control
Gilden et al., 198970 Older male patients (aged 65–82 years) and their partners Scored questionnaires Six-week DE programme
  • Increased knowledge of diabetes (p<0.05); reduction in stress correlated with increased knowledge (r=0.9; p<0.05) and improved diet-related QoL (r=0.7; p<0.02)

  • Decreased stress, enhanced QoL (p<0.01), greater improvement in knowledge (p<0.02), increase in family involvement (p<0.05)

  • Improvement in metabolic control of diabetes (p<0.001)

DE intervention is effective for both patients and their partners

BMI = body mass index; CC = couples call; DE = diabetes education; HbA1C = glycated haemoglobin; IC = individual calls; QoL = quality of life; T2DM = type 2 diabetes mellitus; WC = waist circumference