Effect of transplanting date on simulated potential grain yield of (a) MTU7029, (b) Arize6129 rice variety on a silty loam soil under over 43 years (1970–2013). T1 = 31May, T2 = 7June, T3 = 14June, T4 = 21June, T5 = 28June, T6 = 5 July, T7 = 12 July, T8 = 19 July, T9 = 26 July, T10 = 2 Aug, T11 = 9 Aug, T12 = 16 Aug, T13 = 23 Aug, T14 = 30 Aug, T15 = 7 Sept, T16 = 14 Sept. Vertical shaded bars are 25th-75th percentiles; whisker caps are 10th and 90th percentiles and black dots 5th and 95th percentiles.