Fig. 3. Transition of adiabatic driving from the standard continuous protocol to the jumping protocol.
(A) Relations among the energy gap Ω(λ), path parameter λ, evolution time t, phase factor eiϕ1,2(λ), and ϵ1,2(λ) for the standard adiabatic driving with a constant gap Ω0 = 2π × 5 MHz. (B and C) Same as (A) with the maximum gap Ω0 = 2π × 5 MHz but with a ratio rjump of intervals to have Ω(λ) = 0 along the path parameter λ. Therefore, the case of rjump = 0 corresponds to the standard adiabatic protocol without a vanishing gap. A ratio rjump > 0 in (B) opens regions that have Ω(λ) = 0. For the maximum value rjump = 1, we get in (C) the jumping protocol that only drives the system at discrete path points with a Rabi frequency equalling Ω0. For comparison, the plot of ϵ1,2(λ) in (A) is also shown in (B) and (C) by a gray dashed line. (D) Calculated fidelity to the ideal adiabatic state at the final time as a function of rjump. The fidelity increases to 100% when the driving is getting to the jumping protocol. The solid line shows the case that the initial state is prepared in the initial eigenstate ∣x〉 of the Hamiltonian, while the dashed line is the result for the initial state being the superposition state ∣y〉. The driving is along the adiabatic path given in Eq. 5 with θg = π and is repeated back and forth three times for a total time T = 3 μs.