Figure 7.
Strength of both suppression and facilitation increased in antagonist reinnervation group. A: Means and SEs of modulated G stretch reflex force due to TA conditioning for individual experiments over a matched range of background forces (1N) in both control (white bars, n=5) and antagonist reinnervation (gray bars, n=5) groups. Negative values represent suppression while positive values represent facilitation. B: Pooled means for control and antagonist reinnervation groups for the data set in A for both facilitation (top) and suppression (bottom). Connecting lines are for visual aid only. Results of Hierarchical One-way Bayesian ANOVA (B) reveals empirically derived posterior distributions of means are credibly different from each other. Asterisk denotes Bayesian Inference by Difference of Means Comparison where 95% highest density interval (HDI) does not cross zero.