Figure 2. Neonatal GA exposure alters AMPA/NMDA ratio due to an increase in AMPA-mediated portion of currents.
A Representative trace showing the experimental protocol of a recorded eEPSC (GA-treated animal), the EPSC after bath application of NBQX, and the complete blockade of currents from combined bath application of NBQX and APV in the same cell. B Comparison of the NBQX sensitive and NBQX insensitive portions of the current amplitude shows an increase of the amplitude of current sensitive to NBQX in cells from GA treated animals (sham n=5 cells in 3 rats, GA n=7 cells in 5 rats; t(30)=2.934, **p=.006). The NBQX resistant portion of the current is unaltered between the two groups (t(30)=.078, p=.938). C Representative traces from GA treated animals (green color) and sham group (gray color) that display findings in graph B.