Extended Data Fig. 4. Fetal and adult spleen cDC have similar phenotypes.
a, b, Characterization of cDC1 (green gate) and cDC2 (cyan gate) across adult and fetal spleen using CyTOF and one-Sense algorithm11. a, Representative gating strategy used to select input population (red gate) for One-Sense analysis from fetal (17wk EGA) and adult spleen samples. b, Representative data of fetal and adult spleen cDC analyzed using the one-Sense algorithm. The lineage dimension included CD1c and SIRPα as cDC2 markers, CD26 and CLEC9A as cDC1 markers. The marker dimension includes all the other non-lineage markers of the CyTOF panel. Frequency heat maps of markers expression are displayed for both dimensions. The expression of markers by both adult and fetal spleen cDC1 (green) and cDC2 (cyan) is highlighted with the dashed gates. Representative data from n=5 experiments.