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. 2019 Jun 21;9:9032. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-45398-3

Table 1.

Typed Y-STRs and estimated mutation rates.

Y-STR Panel Number of Mutations Meioses Mutation rates (*10-3) Ref. Values
Single Multi Val (Single) CI (95%) Val (Multi) CI (95%) FS GP
DYS19 Yf/PP/YfP/L 3 3 1166 2.57 0.00 6.00 2.57 0.00 6.00 3.99 2.26
DYS389I Yf/PP/YfP/L 3 3 1166 2.57 0.00 6.00 2.57 0.00 6.00 5.14 4.24
DYS389II-I Yf/PP/YfP/L 3 3 1166 2.57 0.00 6.00 2.57 0.00 6.00 3.44 4.80
DYS390 Yf/PP/YfP/L 5 5 1166 4.29 0.86 8.58 4.29 0.86 8.58 1.14 2.54
DYS391 Yf/PP/YfP/L 2 2 1166 1.72 0.00 4.29 1.72 0.00 4.29 2.84 4.52
DYS392 Yf/PP/YfP/L 3 6 1166 2.57 0.00 6.00 5.15 1.72 9.43 0.58 1.13
DYS393 Yf/PP/YfP/L 3 3 1166 2.57 0.00 6.00 2.57 0.00 6.00 1.71 1.13
DYS385 (a-b) Yf/PP/YfP/L 8 8 1166 6.86 2.57 12.01 6.86 2.57 12.01 5.33 5.37
DYS437 Yf/PP/YfP/L 4 4 1166 3.43 0.86 6.86 3.43 0.86 6.86 1.14 3.11
DYS438 Yf/PP/YfP/L 0 0 1166 0.57 0.28
DYS439 Yf/PP/YfP/L 7 9 1166 6.00 1.72 11.15 7.72 3.43 12.86 3.46 3.67
DYS448 Yf/PP/YfP/L 2 2 1166 1.72 0.00 4.29 1.72 0.00 4.29 0.00 1.13
DYS456 Yf/PP/YfP/L 3 3 1166 2.57 0.00 6.00 2.57 0.00 6.00 4.55 7.91
DYS458 Yf/PP/YfP/L 12 13 1166 10.29 5.15 16.30 11.15 5.15 17.15 7.97 9.04
DYS635 Yf/PP/YfP/L 2 2 1166 1.72 0.00 4.29 1.72 0.00 4.29 3.46 5.65
GATA H4.1 Yf/PP/YfP/L 3 3 1166 2.57 0.00 6.00 2.57 0.00 6.00 2.85 1.98
DYS481 PP/YfP/L 3 3 810 3.70 0.00 8.64 3.70 0.00 8.64 4.59 6.22
DYS533 PP/YfP/L 3 3 810 3.70 0.00 8.64 3.70 0.00 8.64 4.62 3.96
DYS570 PP/YfP/RM/L 9 9 1166 7.72 3.43 12.86 7.72 3.43 12.86 11.92 9.89
DYS576 PP/YfP/RM/L 10 11 1166 8.58 3.43 14.58 9.43 4.29 15.44 13.90 7.91
DYS549 PP/L 8 8 810 9.88 3.70 17.28 9.88 3.70 17.28 4.16 4.52
DYS643 PP/L 0 0 810 1.13 1.13
DYS460 YfP/L 1 1 718 1.39 0.00 4.18 1.39 0.00 4.18 5.82 4.52
DYS518 YfP/RM/L 18 18 1166 15.44 8.58 23.16 15.44 8.58 23.16 17.99 18.65
DYS627 YfP/RM/L 17 19 1166 14.58 7.72 21.44 16.30 9.43 24.01 11.89 15.55
DYF387S1 YfP/RM/L 13 13 1166 11.15 5.15 17.15 11.15 5.15 17.15 15.52 15.26
DYS449 YfP/RM/L 9 9 1166 7.72 3.43 12.86 7.72 3.43 12.86 11.75 11.59
DYS459 (a-b) L 0 0 718 2.30 2.54
DYS724 (a-b) L 25 29 718 34.82 22.28 48.75 40.39 26.46 55.71 29.11
DYS607 L 0 0 718 2.54
DYS455 L 0 0 718 0.00 1.41
DYS426 L 1 1 718 1.39 0.00 4.18 1.39 0.00 4.18 0.00 1.13
DYS454 L 0 0 718 0.00 0.28
DYS447 L 3 3 718 4.18 0.00 9.75 4.18 0.00 9.75 1.74 3.67
DYS442 L 2 2 718 2.79 0.00 6.96 2.79 0.00 6.96 9.35 4.80
DYS464 (a-b-c-d) L 17 23 718 23.68 13.93 34.82 32.03 19.50 45.96 27.51
YCAII (a-b) L 0 0 718 1.13
DYS388 L 0 0 718 0.00 0.28
DYF399S1 RM 70 74 1149 60.92 47.87 74.85 64.40 50.48 79.20 77.48
DYS526A RM 1 1 1166 0.86 0.00 2.57 0.86 0.00 2.57 2.33
DYS626 RM 9 10 1166 7.72 3.43 12.86 8.58 3.43 14.58 11.84
DYS526B RM 5 6 1166 4.29 0.86 8.58 5.15 1.72 9.43 12.11*
DYS612 RM 16 19 1166 13.72 7.72 20.58 16.30 9.43 24.01 14.15
DYS547 RM 15 16 1166 12.86 6.86 19.73 13.72 7.72 20.58 23.23
DYF404S1 RM 14 17 1166 12.01 6.00 18.87 14.58 7.72 21.44 12.08
DYF403S1a RM 29 29 1152 25.17 16.49 34.72 25.17 16.49 34.72 30.59
DYF403S1b RM 4 5 1166 3.43 0.86 6.86 4.29 0.86 8.58 11.41*
Yfiler (Yf) 63 69 18656 3.38 2.57 4.23 3.70 2.84 4.61 3.01 3.67
PowerPlex Y23 (PP) 96 103 24228 3.96 3.18 4.79 4.25 3.47 5.08 3.95 4.20
Yfiler Plus (YfP) 146 155 27990 5.22 4.39 6.07 5.54 4.68 6.43 5.74 6.09
Leuven (L) 202 221 37508 5.39 4.67 6.13 5.89 5.12 6.69 5.54^
Rapidly Mutating (RM) 239 256 17459 13.69 11.97 15.46 14.66 12.89 16.50 18.80**
All 365 398 47971 7.61 6.84 8.40 8.30 7.50 9.11

Locus-specific and panel-wise estimates (Val) along with the corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CI) are calculated both with all mutations as single events (Single) and with multi-step mutations as sum of independent events (Multi). Reference values extracted from the literature are also included, with FS = Father-Son pairs20 and GP = Genealogical Pairs21. Significant comparisons (Fisher tests) are highlighted in bold, with *p < 0.05 and **p < 0.005.