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. 2019 Jun 19;9(6):e025092. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-025092

Table 2.

Autoregression model estimate of the per capita monthly cigarette consumption

Maximum likelihood estimates of the model
Log likelihood −107.94 Observations 210
Total R2 0.9416
Transformed R2 0.9950
Parameter estimates
Variable Estimate t Value Pr > |t|
Intercept 4.8353 70.45 <0.0001
GDP growth 0.0180 2.10 0.0371
Time 0.0184 32.99 <0.0001
FCTC −0.1101 −2.53 0.0121
FCTC_time 0.0046 2.37 0.0189
Tax1 −0.0462 −1.38 0.1686
Tax1_time −0.0097 −7.55 <0.0001
National −0.3056 −5.63 <0.0001
National_time 0.0078 1.72 0.0871
Tax2 −0.4309 −6.39 <0.0001
Tax2_time −0.0382 −8.30 <0.0001
AR1 0.6277 8.87 <0.0001
AR2 0.5907 8.04 <0.0001
AR3 0.5834 7.83 <0.0001
AR4 0.5588 7.33 <0.0001
AR5 0.5435 7.00 <0.0001
AR6 0.5458 6.85 <0.0001
AR7 0.5412 6.72 <0.0001
AR8 0.5397 6.72 <0.0001
AR9 0.5546 6.98 <0.0001
AR10 0.5662 7.23 <0.0001
AR11 0.5644 7.32 <0.0001
AR12 −0.3572 −4.83 <0.0001

FCTC, Framework Convention on Tobacco Control; GDP, gross domestic product.