Figure 4.
Correlations between cardiorespiratory fitness (VO2peak % ranking values) and changes in BOLD responses between the two conditions. (a) Flanker task: in the moderate-intensity group, fitness correlated positively with differential BOLD response (exercise − control) for the contrast incongruent − congruent in one cluster with peak activation in the right insula (INS). (b) Go/No-go task: in the high-intensity group, higher fitness was associated with stronger exercise-related decreases in BOLD response (control − exercise) for the contrast hits in one cluster with peak activation in the right postcentral gyrus (PoCG). (c) Go/No-go task: in the moderate-intensity group, fitness correlated positively with differential BOLD response (exercise − control) for the contrast correct inhibitions − hits in one cluster with peak activation in the left rolandic operculum (ROL). p < 0.05 (FWE-corrected on cluster level, initial voxel threshold 0.001 uncorrected).