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. 2019 May 31;116(25):12173–12182. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1818372116

Table 2.

Comparison of best-fit parameters with literature deuterium KIEs associated with NADPH dehydrogenases and transhydrogenases

Best fit values Literature values
Enzyme Pathway Parameter Ratio α δ2H,§ ϵ, ϵ, In vitro KIE Ref.
G6PDH PP and ED RG 7.05 × 10−5 547 508 663 2.97 (45)
6PGDH PP RP 1.08 × 10−4 305 244 379 1.61 (46)
ICDH TCA cycle RI 2.99 × 10−4 +918 +1,085 0 1 (26, 42, 47)
ME Anaplerotic node RM 0.00 320 1.47 (45)
PntAB RU 3.46 × 10−5 778 758 444 to 778 1.8–4.5 (27)
unknown RU* 0.00
UdhA αO 0.84 160
sTH or other αO* 0.57 434

Best-fit parameters were derived by minimizing the rms difference between experimental data and predicted lipid δ2H values from Eqs. 13. Uncertainties associated with these values are discussed in SI Appendix, Fig. S4.

RU and αO account for the membrane-bound (PntAB) and soluble (UdhA) transhydrogenase from E. coli, respectively. αO* account for the soluble transhydrogenases (sTH) or alternative mechanisms to balance NADPH levels in all other species. RU* accounts for a currently unknown mechanism to balance NADPH levels in B. subtilis.


δ2H values were calculated as δ2H = (Renzyme/RVSMOW − 1) × 1,000.

Enrichment factors were estimated as ϵ = (α − 1) × 1,000 and ϵ = (δ2H + 1)/(δ2Hwater + 1) − 1.

Enrichment factors are calculated from in vitro KIEs according to ϵ = (1/KIE − 1) × 1,000.