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. 2019 Jun 21;11:1758835919853958. doi: 10.1177/1758835919853958

Table 1.

Characteristics of patients included in phase A.

n = 9
Sex, M (%) 8 (89)
Age, years, median (IQR) 53.8 (22.5)
Tumor location Temporal: 4
Occipital: 3
Parietal: 1
Frontal: 1
Tumor resection Total: 4
Subtotal: 5
IDH 1 mutational status Negative: 9
Positive: –
MGMT promotor methylation status Positive: –
Negative: 2
Unknown: 7
AED use, n, (%) 7 (78)
BMI, kg/m2, median (IQR) Start of study (n = 9): 25 (2.5)
End of study (n = 6): 24 (4.2)
Time from diagnosis to start KD
weeks, median (IQR)
3.3 (1.1)
REE baseline
median (IQR)
Indirect calorimetry Kcal: 2020 (325)
Harris–Benedict equation Kcal: 1713 (389)
REE after 6 weeks diet (n = 8)
median (IQR)
 Indirect calorimetry Kcal: 1983 (587)
Harris–Benedict equation Kcal: 1680 (437)
Caloric intake prior to trial per day
median (IQR)
Kcal: 1996 (382)
Carbohydrates: 123 (183) g, (24.6% energy)
Diet phase A: full liquid KD 4:1 per day
median (IQR)
Kcal: 2400 (878)
Protein: 49 (16) g, (8.2% energy)
Carbohydrates: 11 (1.5) g, (2.0% energy)
Fat: 237 (69) g, (88.8% energy)
Diet ratio (fat:carbohydrate+protein): 4:1 (0)
Diet phase B: KD with MCT (n = 8) per day, median (IQR) Kcal: 2835 (662)
Protein: 54 (24) g, (7.6% energy)
Carbohydrates: 57 (14) g, (8.0% energy)
Fat: 266 (51) g, (84.4% energy)
Diet ratio (fat:carbohydrate + protein): 2.2:1 (0.7)
Physical activity (based on SQUASH) Start 6 weeks End of study
(n = 9) (n = 8) (n = 6)
Normal (n) 9 8 6
Decreased (n)
Karnofsky Performance Score
median score (IQR)
Start End of study
(n = 9) (n = 6)
95/100 (10) 90/100 (15)

AEDs, anti-epileptic drugs; BMI, body mass index; IDH 1, isocytrate dehydrogenase type I; IQR, interquartile range; KD, ketogenic diet; M, Male; MCT, medium-chain triglyceride; MGMT, methylguanine deoxyribonucleic acid methyltransferase; REE, resting energy expenditure; SQUASH, short questionnaire to assess health-enhancing physical activity.