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. 2018 Dec 19;59(4):557–565. doi: 10.1002/jcph.1347

Table 3.

Final Model Parameter Estimates

Name Estimate Standard Error (RSE%)a 95%CIb
Grade 3 or 4 alanine aminotransferase elevation
Intercept for non‐Asian (θ1) –3.91 0.252 (6.44) –4.54, –3.52
Asian on intercept (θ3) 1.53 0.311 (20.4) 0.865, 2.20
Slope of ASV (ng/mL, θ4) 0.0017 0.00065 (38.3) 0.00034, 0.00305
BWT (kg) effect on intercept for non‐Asian(θ2) –0.0475 0.0148 (31.2) –0.0829, –0.0163
Grade 3 or 4 total bilirubin elevation
Intercept for non‐Asian (θ1) –6.79 0.658 (9.69) –9.19, –6.1
Slope of ASV (ng/mL, θ2), (ng/mL)−1 0.00321 0.000898 (28) 0.00168, 0.00545
Asian on intercept (θ3) 2.01 0.624 (31) 0.892, 3.81
Fibrosis Grade 4 on intercept (θ4) 1.64 0.563 (34.3) 0.485, 2.97

ASV, asunaprevir; BWT, baseline body weight; CI, confidence interval; RSE, relative standard error.


RSE% is the relative standard error (standard error as a percentage of estimate).


Confidence interval values are taken from bootstrap calculations (1000 run, sampled stratified by study).