Case: 43 years old, male, headache for more than half a month, MRI showed right temporal lobe lesions, after surgical resection, pathological examination reported for WHO IV glioblastoma, IDH wild type. As shown in the figure, patient MRI T1enhancement, T2 and T2-FLAIR were shown, after importing into 3D Slicer software, Editor module was used to segment the tumor: (A) T1+C shows tumor enhancement; (B) T2-FLAIR sequence; (C) T2 shows the tumor area; (D) Segmentation of the tumor-enhanced part according to the T1 enhancement sequence in the Slicer software is shown as Label-1; (E) Segmentation of the whole tumor according to the T2-FLAIR is shown as Label-2; (F) T1+C shows Label-3. In the Add Scalar Volume module of Slicer, Label-1 (enhanced part) and Label-2 (tumor whole) are superimposed to obtain the enhanced part (yellow) and the tumor edema part, respectively. (Green) Label-3; (G) T2-FLAIR shows the enhanced part (yellow) and tumor edema (green) after segmentation, respectively; (H) T2 image shows the enhanced part (yellow) and tumor edema, respectively Part (green).