Figure 3.
Barrier integrity and liposome uptake by and transport across BMEC monolayers. (A) To verify the barrier integrity of the BBB in vitro model during liposome incubation, Lipo and gH625-Lipo loaded at 5 µM PACAP (without rhodamine) were co-incubated with LY in the luminal compartment in contact with BMEC monolayers for 60 min at 37 °C. After this time, the medium of the abluminal compartment was collected and LY fluorescence was quantified by fluorimetric analysis with a spectrofluorimeter (λex 430/485 nm; λem 535 nm). The results are expressed in permeability for LY or Pe(LY) in 10−3 cm/min. Values represent means ± SD of 3 independent experiments. Note that the Pe(LY) results show no significant impact of both liposome preparations on BMEC monolayers integrity compared to control (Ctrl: cells alone). (B) Amounts of PACAP-Rho in the luminal compartment after incubation with Lipo and gH625-Lipo loaded at 1 µM and 5 µM PACAP-Rho for 60 min at 37 °C; (C) PACAP-Rho in the BMEC lysate; (D) PACAP-Rho in the abluminal compartment. Values represent means ± SD of 5 independent experiments (**P < 0.005; ***P < 0.0005).