Fig. 5.
s-SNOM imaging of the AFM-written conducting wires in the LAO/STO interface with 3 u.c. of LAO. a Images of the near-field amplitude and phase, with respect to the signal from the regions not affected by the writing procedure. b The line profiles along the dashed lines in (a). c Calculated near-field signals on LAO/STO/2DES normalized by that on LAO/STO, as a function of the carrier density for optical mobility of 0.5 and 1 cm2 V−1 s−1. The dashed lines indicate the near-field amplitude and phase values of the left wire in (a). Near-field measurements are performed at room temperature, about 80 min after the AFM-writing. The laser wavelength is 10.7 μm. The scale bar is 1 μm