Fig. 2.
Ca2+-dependent CH3SO3− currents in human bestrophin1 (hBest1) gate mutants. a Representative wild-type (WT) current traces in the presence of 1.2 μM Ca2+, with CH3SO3− in the external solution. Scale bar, 200 pA, 150 ms. b–d Population steady-state current density–voltage relationships in HEK293 cells expressing hBest1 WT (b), I205A (c), or 3A (d), with CH3SO3− in the external solution, in the absence (magenta) or presence (red) of 1.2 μM Ca2+, n = 5–6 for each point. *P < 0.05 compared to cells in the absence of Ca2+, using two-tailed unpaired Student’s t test. e Bar chart showing the steady-state CH3SO3− current densities at 100 mV in the absence of Ca2+, n = 5–7 for each bar. *P < 0.05 compared to currents conducted by WT hBest1, using two-tailed unpaired Student’s t test. f Relative ion permeability ratios (PCH3SO3/PCl) calculated from the Goldman–Hodgkin–Katz equation, n = 5–7 for each bar. g Relative ion conductance ratios (GX/GCl) measured as slope conductance at the reversal potential plus 50 mV (CH3SO3−/Cl−, red) or minus 50 mV (Cl−/Cl−, black), n = 5–10 for each bar. All error bars in this figure represent s.e.m.