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. 2019 Jun 25;39(6):BSR20181454. doi: 10.1042/BSR20181454

Table 1. Review of previous reports of sapantaneous choroidal hemorrhage.

Reference (year) Age (year) Sex Eye MH OH Anticoagulant agent Initial VA Initial IOP (mmHg) Management Final VA
1. Wong [2], 1999 76 M R HTN, IHD, DM IOL Heparin CF 60 Medications NLP
2. Ophir [3], 2001 90 F R IHD, DM Glaucoma None NLP Perforation Eviseration
3. Chen [1], 2001 57 M R HTN, CBE, DM AMD None HM 50 Medicaions NLP
78 M L CAD AMD None NLP 50 Sclerotomy NLP
55 M R HTN AMD None NLP 42 Sclerotomy HM
67 F L HTN, DM, VHC AMD None NA 70 Sclerotomy N/A
4. Dandekar [4], 2001 62 F L RHD None Warfarin NA NA Medications LP
5. Neudorfer [5], 2002 84 F L IHD, IOL Enoxaparin CF 70 Medications 20/100
6. Knox [6], 2002 81 F R A-Fib AMD Warfarin LP 36 Iridotomy NLP
7. Goldsmith [7], 2003 74 F L HTN, CRF, AL Glaucoma None NLP Perforation Evisceration
8. Chak [8], 2003 78 F L HTN High myopia Aspirin 6/12 20 Medications 6/12
9. Hammam [9], 2003 65 M R None None None 6/24 38 Medications 6/5
10. Yang [10], 2003 84 M R HTN AMD None HM 43 Sclerotomy NLP
84 F R HTN, A-Fib AMD, IOL Warfarin HM 26 Sclerotomy NLP
66 F L MVR AMD Warfarin LP 40 Sclerotomy NLP
85 M L HTN AMD None HM 18 Sclerotomy NLP
79 F L HTN, A-Fib AMD, IOL Warfarin LP 29 Sclerotomy HM
11. Maguluri [11], 2005 52 M R Hemophilia None None HM 27 PPV, PPL, enucleation
12. Barsam [12], 2005 86 F R DM, IHD Glaucoma, IOL Aspirin NLP >50 Medications HM
13. Saeed [13], 2007 27 F L DM, hemodialysis DR, IOL tPA CF 48 PPV, SO 6/12
14. Lee [14], 2007 81 F L HTN, None Aspirin, plavix NLP 58 Enucleation
15. Tajika [15], 2008 32 M L CRF None None 0.01 34 PPV 0.8
16. Chandra [16], 2009 84 M L HTN, CBS, PE AMD, Glaucoma Warfarin NLP 44 Medications NLP
17. Fukuchi [17], 2009 46 F L HTN NA NA NA 55 Medications NA
18. Chen [18], 2009 86 M R IHD, DVT Glaucoma, AMD Aspirin NLP 45 Sclerotomy, evisceration
19. Lim [19], 2011 75 F L Aortic aneurysms Hypermetropic None HM 70 Paracentesis, enucleation
20. Nadarajah [20], 2012 71 F NA HLD, HTN Glaucoma NA LP NA Sclerotomy 6/48
21. Nguyen [21], 2012 24 F L Cystic fibrosis, DM DR Warfarin, heparin HM 34 Medications NLP
22. Kim [22], 2013 53 F R PD, HTN, CRF, DM Vitrectomized None CF 19 Sclerotomy 20/40
23. Srikanth [23], 2013 57 F R DLD NA NA NLP 44 Perforaion, evisceration
24. Zhang [24], 2014 59 F R None High myopia None LP 3 Phaco, PPV, SO CF
61 F R None High myopia None HM 5 PPV, SO 20/400
25. Andreatta [25], 2016 90 F L A-Fib AMD Warfarin HM 55 Medications LP
26. Hsiao [26], 2016 64 M R HTN, BS, None Clopidogrel bisulfate NLP 59 Iridotomy, sclerotomy NLP
27. Albert [27], 2017 62 F R, L HTN, DM, HLD Glaucoma None 20/25 (R), 20/200 (L) 17 Medications 20/40(R), 20/20(L)
28. Atdignysx [28], 2017 68 F L HTN, AL, HF None Warfarin LP 50 Sclerotomy NLP

MH: medical history; OH: ocular history; VA: visual acuity; IOP: intraocular pressure; M: male; F: female; R: right; L; left; HTN, hypertension; IHD: ischemic heart disease; DM: diabetes mellitus; CAD: coronary arterial disease; CBE: cerebrovascular episode; VHC: viral hepatitis C; NA: not available; RHD: rheumatic heart disease; A-Fib: atrial fibrillation; MVR: mitral valve replacement; CRF: chronic renal failure; BS: brainstem stroke; AL: arteriosclerosis; AMD: age-related macular degeneration; tPA: tissue plasminogen activator; CBS: cardiac bypass surgery; PE: pulmonary embolus; IOL: intraocular lens; DR: diabetic retinopathy; HLD: hyperlipidemia; DVT: deep vein thrombosis; PD: peritoneal dialysis; DLD: decompensated liver disease; HF: heart failture; CF: count fingers; HM: hand motions; LP: light perception; NLP: no light perception; PPV: pars plana vitrectomy; PPL: pars plana lentectomy; SO: silicone oil.