Diffuse or nodular pattern
Low signal intensity lesions
Loss of normal peripheral zone/transitional zone architecture
May show capsular irregularity, suggestive of high stage prostate cancer
Round or ill-defined, low signal intensity focus in peripheral zone.
May appear as lenticular or homogeneous signal mass with indistinct margins (“erased charcoal sign”) in transitional zone.
Higher grade cancers often have lower signal intensity than low grade tumours.
High signal intensity on DWI
Low ADC values compared to normal peripheral zone tissue.
ADC values inversely correlate with increasing Gleason score. Lowest values seen in Gleason > 8 cancers.
Early diffuse enhancement seen in all cases.
A subset of patients have rim enhancement, consistent with caseous necrosis and abscess formation.
Prostate cancer may reveal early and increased enhancement
Lack of enhancement does not exclude malignancy
Best used to discriminate equivocal lesions in the peripeheral zone.