Figure 4. Loss of Tau reduces the localization of endogenous Fyn into the dendritic arbor.
Immunocytochemistry of Fyn to characterize the distribution of endogenous Fyn along the dendritic arbor in wildtype (WT) and Tau knock-out (KO) mouse hippocampal neurons. (a, b) Panels showing the distribution of Fyn (green) in WT neurons (a) and Tau KO neurons (b). MAP2 (blue) was used to identify dendrites and PSD-95 (red) was used to identify dendritic spines. (c) Quantification of the average intensity of Fyn immunofluorescence in dendrites from WT and Tau KO neurons. Mean ± SEM values are calculated from n = 13 neurons. A statistical comparison of the average intensities was performed using a Student’s t-test. Scale bars, 20 μm.