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. 2019 Jun 25;8:e45040. doi: 10.7554/eLife.45040

Figure 8. Tau lacking the microtubule-binding domain (ΔTau) mislocalizes to dendritic spines but does not affect Fyn mobility in dendrites and spines.

Figure 8.

(a) Representative epifluorescence images of Tau KO neurons co-expressing either full-length Tau (TauWT-GFP) and mCardinal or Tau lacking the microtubule-binding domain (ΔTau-GFP) and mCardinal. Arrows denote reduced localization of TauWT-GFP in dendritic spines and arrowheads denote increased mislocalization of ΔTau-GFP in dendritic spines. Scale bar, 1 μm. (b–i) Comparison of Fyn mobility in the dendrites (b–e) and spines (f–i) of Tau KO neurons expressing Fyn-mEos2, TauWT-GFP and GFP (blue) and Tau KO neurons expressing Fyn-mEos2, ΔTau-GFP and GFP. (b, f) The average mean square displacement (MSD) as a function of time. (c, g) The corresponding area under the MSD curves (AUC). (d, h) The distribution of diffusion coefficients (D) shown in a semi-log plot. (e i,) The corresponding immobile fraction. (j) The average mean square displacement (MSD) of Fyn- mEos2 trajectories from individual spines of Tau KO neurons expressing TauWT-GFP (n = 99 spines) or ΔTau-GFP (n = 181 spines). (k) The effective diffusion coefficient computed from the MSD of individual spines. (l) The distribution of the moment scaling spectrum slope (SMSS) of trajectories lasting for at least 20 frames (n = 2561 trajectories from the spines of 8 Tau KO neurons expressing TauWT-GFP and n = 4943 trajectories from the spines of 11 Tau KO neurons expressing ΔTau-GFP). (m) The comparison of the state occupancies estimated using a three-state model. In (b–i) and (m), mean ± SEM values were obtained from n = 8 Tau KO neurons expressing Fyn-mEos2, TauWT-GFP and GFP and n = 11 Tau KO neurons expressing Fyn- mEos2, ΔTau-GFP and GFP. Statistical comparisons were performed using the Mann-Whitney U test (c, e and k), Student’s t-test with Welch’s correction (g, i), the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (l) and Student’s t-test (m).