Figure 4.
Histopathologic lesions in tissues of mice infected with Rickettsia parkeri by tick transmission. A and B: Foci of inflammatory cells and perivascular infiltration in liver 24 hours after tick attachment (arrows). C and D: Foci of lymphocytic infiltration in peribronchial–perivascular areas of the lung of mice infected by tick transmission observed 24 hours after tick attachment (arrows). E: Similar lesions in lung of mice 6 days after tick attachment (arrow). F and G: Areas of infarction (arrows). H and I: Inflammatory infiltration with apoptotic cells (H; arrow; inset shows higher magnification of the apoptotic cell) and polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs; I; arrows) in liver of mice 6 days after infection with R. parkeri by tick transmission. J–L: Remarkable presence of PMNs (arrows) and other inflammatory cells at the R. parkeri–carrying Amblyomma maculatum tick feeding site in the skin (arrowheads show tick mouth parts and cement insertion) 6 days after tick attachment. M–O: Area of necrosis of dermis and epidermis at skin site of R. parkeri–carrying tick attachment and feeding at day 12 after tick attachment (arrows).