Experimental and calculated Bi−P atomic distances (d, Å), interaction energy of the Bi−P interaction (ΔE
int, kcal mol−1), Wiberg bond indices (WBI, −), NPA charges (q, electron) and net charge donation from the ligand to the BiX3 moiety (Δq calculated as the sum of partial NPA charges in the ligand fragment) at the ωB97XD/cc‐pVDZ(‐PP) level of theory. The partial NPA charge at the P centre in the free ligand 1 is 0.833 e. Properties at the bond critical point: electron density (ρ
bcp, a.u.), Laplacian of the electron density (▿2
bcp, a.u.), η=|λ
3 where λ
1 and λ
3 are the smallest and largest eigenvalues of the electron density Hessian matrix, respectively, total energy density (H, a.u.), ratio of potential and kinetic energy density (|V|/G, −).