Osx-CreERT2 targets osteoblasts and osteocytes. A) A schematic of treatment strategy. One-month-old mice were fed with TAM diet from d 1 (D0) through d 3 (D3), and harvested at d 7 (D7). B–C3) Confocal fluorescence images of longitudinal femoral sections from mice with the genotype of Osx-CreERT2;Ai9 fed with regular chow (B) or TAM diet (C). The sections were counterstained for nuclei with DAPI (blue) before direct imaging of red fluorescence expressed from Ai9 allele. C1–C3) Boxed regions in C are shown at a higher magnification for secondary ossification center (C1), trabecular bone (C2), and cortical bone (C3). Arrows and asterisks denote osteoblasts and osteocytes, respectively. BM, bone marrow; GP, growth plate. Scale bars, 100 μm.