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. 2018 Aug 14;6(2):156–165. doi: 10.14744/nci.2018.01069


Demographic characteristics of patients

n %
 Female 34 42.5
 Male 46 57.5
 Total 80 100.0
Age 63.00±12.10
Time since stroke (months) 1.94±1.72
 House wife 34 42.5
 Civil servant 7 8.8
 Worker 2 2.5
 Freelance 37 46.3
 Total 80 100.0
Educational status
 Left primary school 19 23.8
 Primary school 46 57.5
 Junior high school 8 10.0
 High school 6 7.5
 University 1 1.3
 Total 80 100.0
Lesion location
 MCA 26 32.5
 PCA 8 10.0
 ACA 3 3.8
 LCA 11 13.8
 Pons 7 8.8
 Thalamus 13 16.3
 Other 5 6.3
Lesion type
 Thromboembolic 73 89.8
 Haemorrhagic 7 11.2
 Total 80 100.0
Involved side
 Right 38 47.5
 Left 42 52.5
 Total 80 100.0
 None 12 15.0
 Hypertension (HT) 48 60.0
 Diabetes Mellitus (DM) 24 30.0
 Cardiac disease 18 22.5
 Other 13 16.3

ACA: Anterior cerebral artery; MCA: Middle cerebral artery PCA: Potsrior cerebral artery; LCA: Lentrıculostriat artery.