Table 4.
Other synchronous metastatic sites of ISCM patients (n=58)
Sites of metastases | n | % |
Lung | 3 | 5.17 |
Liver | 10 | 17.24 |
Bone | 44 | 75.86 |
Brain | 36 | 62.07 |
leptomeninges | 14 | 24.14 |
Adrenal gland | 7 | 12.07 |
Kidney | 2 | 3.45 |
Spleen | 1 | 1.72 |
Marrow | 2 | 3.45 |
Muscle | 2 | 3.45 |
Non-regional lymph node | 2 | 3.45 |
Abbreviation: ISCM, intramedullary spinal cord metastases.