Disseminate the new national iCCM/nutrition policies and guidelines to strengthen IYCF counselling, management of MAM, as well as strengthen the capacity of community health workers and health providers in the management of MAM and SAM.
Counsel and provide support on breastfeeding challenges, including counselling on perceptions of insufficient breastmilk linked to child/maternal illness, counsel on maintaining breastmilk supply, and expression of breastmilk, during periods the mother is away;
Develop or collect local complementary feeding recipes to improve practices based on readily available local foods and cultural beliefs around these foods, to increase dietary diversity, quantity of food consumed, and frequency of meals, as well as increased protein intake. Use recipes during cooking demonstration sessions conducted through mother‐to‐mother support groups.
Target and strengthen engagement with key influencers—grandmothers, fathers, traditional healers, and other influential members of the community—to encourage good IYCF practices. Capitalize on/use existing community groups or establish mother‐to‐mother and community support groups to maximize community reach. Work with and support community organizations to create or strengthen community groups.
Explore innovative ways to work alongside traditional healers. Health management teams should explore how they can facilitate and rationalize referral, encourage the dispensing of ORS/zinc for simple cases of diarrhoea, and provide nutrition advice for certain key IYCF practices (such as breastfeeding messages).