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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2019 Aug 13.
Published in final edited form as: Int J Eat Disord. 2018 Aug 13;51(8):798–821. doi: 10.1002/eat.22929

Table 4.

Summary of reviews of attention bias in EDs (2010–2018)

Review Method No. of included studies (k) Age ED diagnoses included Non-ED comparison group(s) Method(s) of assessment Stimuli Quality score1 Key findings and effect sizes
Aspen (2013) Systematic review and meta-analysis 4 Adults AN, BN, BED, EDNOS HC
DP Body/eating, positive/negative 3/11
  • 1/4 studies found AB away from positive body shape stimuli (d=−.83), and 2/4 found AB towards negative shape stimuli (d=.80).

  • 2/3 studies found AB away from positive and towards negative eating stimuli.

  • Results most robust in BN, with more heterogeneity found for AN.

Brooks et al. (2011) Meta-analysis 17 Adults AN, BN HC Stroop, DP, DT Food words, high/low calorie food images 7/11
  • 9/9 Stroop studies found AB towards food stimuli in AN (d=.38), 8/10 found AB towards food stimuli in BN (d=.43)

  • 2/2 DP studies found AB away from high-calorie food images (d=.93) in AN and BN, and AB towards low-calorie stimuli (d=−.72).

  • For distractor tasks, 1/2 studies found large distracting effect of high-calorie food images in AN and BN (d=1.86) and faster RTs to detect high and low calorie food images (d=−.27).

Giel et al. (2017) Systematic review 4 Adults (k=3) and adolescents (k=1) BED, OB/BED OBC, NWC RSVP, spatial cuing, free viewing Food-specific and neutral 4/9
  • 4/4 studies found early AB to food pictures in Adult BED compared to OBC and NWC. No early AB was observed for adolescent BED samples.

  • Late attention bias to food pictures was observed in 1/1 studies in adolescent BED and 2/3 studies of adult BED.

Jáuregui-Lobera (2013) Systematic review 8 Adults AN, BN, BED HC Stroop, Flankers task
Words-“fat” and “thin” vs. neutral, Food-specific and neutral 4/9
  • One study found no difference in sustained attention between AN and HC groups.

  • 7/8 studies found AB to “fat” and “thin” words in AN.

  • One study showed increased attentional disengagement to food vs. non-food pictures during free viewing, with degree of Attentional disengagement related to BMI.

  • One study found AB away from thin physique words in AN and BN; for large physique words, AN showed AB towards whereas BN show AB away.

Kittel et al. (2015) Systematic review 4 Adults BED OBC and NWC Stroop, free viewing Food/
body-related and neutral
  • 3 studies showed greater AB towards food vs. non-food stimuli in OB vs BED and NWC controls.

  • 1 study found larger AB to food stimuli for OB individuals with BED, versus OB and NWC.

  • 1 study found AB towards self-rated ugly body parts in both BED and OWC.

Reville et al (2016) Systematic review 5 Adults AN HC Free viewing (eye tracking) Body, eating stimuli, faces-angry and neutral 5/9
  • 3 studies found AB in AN

  • 1 study found that oxytocin increased vigilance to angry faces in AN but decreased vigilance in HC.

  • 1 study found no AB to threat-related stimuli in AN.

Stojek et al (2018) Systematic review 50 Adults and adolescents BED, BN (clinical and sub-clinical), AN-B/P HC, sub-clinical/recovered BN Stroop, DP, Visual cuing, Visual Search, free viewing Weight/shape, food, threat words/images 3/9
  • 11/15 Stroop studies showed greater AB to weight/shape in BN vs. HC, and greater AB for women with BN vs. recovered/sub-clinical binge eating.

  • 7/8 studies showed greater AB to threat stimuli in women with binge eating or BN behaviors.

  • 10/16 studies showed no difference in AB for food cues in BN vs. HC, though more consistent biases were found in binge-type EDs without compensatory behaviors.

  • DP, visual search and cuing studies show consistent AB for food.

Van den Eynde et al. (2011) Systematic review 16 Adults and adolescents BN, BED HC Stroop Neutral 5/9
  • 7/12 studies found no Stroop interference effect in BN/BED compared to HC.

Note. ED=eating disorder; AN=anorexia nervosa; ANrec=Recovered anorexia nervosa; AN-R=AN-restricting subtype; AN-BP=AN binge-purge subtype; AN-P=AN purging subtype; BN=bulimia nervosa; BED=binge eating disorder; EDNOS=eating disorder not otherwise specified; HC=healthy control; OBC=obese control; OWC=overweight control; NWC=normal weight control; N.S.=not specified; AB=attention bias; ES=emotional Stroop; DP=dot-probe; DT=distracter tasks; RSVP= rapid serial visual presentation task.


Quality scores for systematic reviews are based on a total possible score of 9; scores for meta-analyses are based on a total possible score of 11.