Maximum carboxylation capacity V
cmax and assimilation rate A, estimated with three different methods (a,b,d,e,g,h), together with residuals of predictions (measured minus estimated V
cmax, c,f,i). In method 1 (a–c), we compare V
cmax retrieved from CO
2‐response curves with the ones retrieved from light‐response curves. In methods 2 (d–f) and 3 (g–i) we compare the V
cmax retrieved from either pulse amplitude modulation measurements of steady‐state fluorescence F
s and nonphotochemical quenching K
n or hyperspectral measurements of Chl fluorescence and transmittance τ, respectively, with the values estimated with method 1. Number of samples (leaves) for CO
2‐ and light‐response curves per method is n
m1 = 34/34, n
m2 = 19/13, and n
m3 = 12/16. Pearson's correlation coefficient R
2 and RMSE are shown per measurements type, CO
2 (red triangles) and light curves (blue circles).