Figure 10.
Values of maximum carboxylation capacity V cmax, retrieved for the FluoWat dataset with method 3, vs control values for barley (red circles) and sugar beet (blue squares) leaves, with the residuals (measured minus estimated V cmax) shown in the bottom panels. V cmax, (fitting parameter for K n; Eqn 4), and the scaling factor ς (links the Chl fluorescence (ChlF) efficiencies of the two leaf models in Eqn 10) were optimized to best reproduce measured (a) reflectance and backward ChlF, (b) transmittance and forward ChlF, or (c) all four simultaneously. Pearson's correlation coefficient (R 2) and RMSE are shown for all data combined. Note, that the control values of V cmax (V cmax,Method 1) were obtained by applying method 1 to the Chamber dataset. Number of samples for barley and sugar beet per retrieval is n a = 23/10, n b = 23/10, and n c = 14/5.