Experimental plans. a Breeding plan for βArnt (from GDM pregnancies) and floxed-control (from control pregnancies) females. b Timeline for testing of mothers and their offspring (adult cohorts). All male offspring were weighed at weaning and every 7 to 10 days thereafter. Glucose metabolic testing is denoted by white triangles: GTT was performed at 8 and 16 weeks, ITT at 15 weeks and GSIS test at 17 weeks of age. DEXA scanning (white circles) was performed at 12 weeks. Food intake (black triangles) was measured at 15 weeks. Physiological tests were spaced in order to minimise mouse stress and allow recovery between studies, with 1 week between ITT, GTT and GSIS at 15, 16 and 17 weeks of age. Offspring were studied in two separate cohorts, about 8 weeks apart, and results were pooled. Results were similar in the two cohorts. Mice were killed at least 3 weeks after the 17 week GSIS. c Timeline for testing of early male offspring phenotype (6 week pre-obese offspring cohort). Offspring were derived from 15 GDM pregnancies and ten non-diabetic pregnancies. Food intake (black triangle) was measured at 5.5 weeks. Half of the mice were killed at 6 weeks of age for collection of plasma and brains for in situ hybridisation. The rest underwent indirect calorimetry (black square) and DEXA scanning (white circle) before killing