Offspring food intake and metabolic phenotype. a Food intake was not increased in GDM offspring, *p<0.05 (n=10 floxed-control [FC] GDM, n=8 FC NDP, n=10 βArnt GDM, n=6 βArnt NDP at 5.5 weeks; n=10 FC GDM, n=8 FC NDP, n=9 βArnt GDM, n=5 βArnt NDP at 15 weeks). b Faecal weight (wt): food intake ratio, animal numbers as above (a); *p<0.05 (t test) for βArnt GDM vs βArnt NDP, **p<0.01 for GDM vs NDP offspring (ANOVA). c
O2 was lower in GDM offspring at 6 weeks of age (n=11 FC GDM, n=15 FC NDP, n=8 βArnt GDM, n=8 βArnt NDP); *p<0.05, **p<0.01 for GDM vs NDP (ANOVA). d Energy expenditure (EE) at 6 weeks of age; *p<0.05, **p<0.01 for GDM vs NDP (ANOVA). e Daily ambulatory activity did not differ; †p=0.08. Data represent means±SEM. White bars, FC NDP; grey bars, FC GDM; hatched bars, βArnt NDP; black bars, βArnt GDM