Figure 2.
Dynamic functional connectivity in the rodent homolog of the DMN. (A) Diagrams illustrating the human and rodent DMNs. (B–D) Analysis of resting-state fMRI (rs-fMRI) in awake and anesthetized rats for a medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) seed shows the rodent homolog of the DMN in the awake state. (B) Top panel shows location of seed region in mPFC in a structural T1-MRI. Bottom panels show statistical maps comparing correlation strength in the awake and anesthetized states (voxelwise two-way t-test), indicating a significant reduction in the mPFC functional connectivity with CLA and mediodorsal (MD) thalamus. Hot colors show t-values for voxels with p < 0.05 (false discovery rate), with correlations that significantly decrease in the anesthetized state compared to awake. (C) Correlation maps from rs-fMRI with seed-based correlation analysis of mPFC in the awake state reveal strong connections to CLA, MD thalamus and retrosplenial cortex (RS). Color plot indicates scale of correlation strength: hot colors are correlated, cool colors are anti-correlated. (D) Correlation maps from rs-fMRI with seed-based analysis of mPFC in the anesthetized state show weaker functional connections with CLA and MD thalamus. (E–G) Similar analyses of an MD thalamus seed show strong functional connections with mPFC and CLA in the awake state that are significantly attenuated under isoflurane-induced loss of consciousness. Data modified with permission from Smith et al. (2017).