Fig 2. cifAwMel and cifBwMel induce strong CI when transgenically expressed in males under the nos-GAL4:VP16 driver.
(A) Two different driver lines, nos-GAL4-tubulin (purple; top) and nos-GAL4:VP16 (green; bottom) were tested for their ability to induce CI when transgenically expressed in uninfected, male Drosophila. Filled sex symbols represent infection with wMel Wolbachia, and gene names to the right of a symbol represent expression of those genes in the male line. Vertical bars represent medians. Letters to the right indicate significant differences with an α = 0.05 calculated by a Kruskal-Wallis analysis followed by Dunn’s multiple comparison test. (B,C) To test if nos-GAL4-tubulin and nos-GAL4:VP16 generate different levels of gene expression, (B) cifAwMel and (C) cifBwMel fold expression difference relative to the Drosophila housekeeping gene rp49 in male abdomens under the two drivers was measured using qPCR. Males tested for gene expression were the same used in the hatch rate experiment in A. Letters above indicate significant differences with an α = 0.05 calculated by a Mann-Whitney U test.