Data processing. (a) Fluorescence images are acquired at each of 32
different microwave frequencies (16 frequencies for each of the
f± spin transitions). (b) For any given
pixel, two 16-point ODMR curves (fluorescence intensity versus microwave
frequency)are generated. Each ODMR curve is fit to a Lorentzian function to
reveal the ODMR central frequencies for that pixel. This is repeated for each
pixel, yielding two maps of ODMR central frequencies corresponding to
f+ and f−.
(c) The magnetic field pattern is obtained by subtraction of the images for
f+ and f−,
division by 2γNV, and subtraction of the
applied B0 field. (d) An example fluorescence image
for a fixed microwave frequency along with a bright-field transmission image of
the same field of view. (e) Intermediate step showing separate maps for
frequencies f+ and
f−. (f) The final taken at
B0 = 350 mT, is proportional to stray magnetic
=(f+ −
f−)/2 −
γNVB0. This
is shown alongside a map of residual nonmagnetic shifts,
f−)/2 −
2D. Note that f− is
defined such that it is negative when | −1〉 is lower in energy
than |0〉. The horizontally varying pattern is an artifact of the sCMOS
camera’s read-out dual-sensor This artifact is present when
rolling-shutter mode is used, but is eliminated by our subtraction