Table 8.
RECO – relais communautaire performance on classification and treatment of individual iCCM conditions among children without danger signs (N = 115)
Correct performance (No., %) |
Performance relative to control |
Control |
Intervention |
aOR* |
95% CI |
P-value |
Fever/malaria: |
N = 60 |
N = 51 |
Correctly classified (RDT done) |
55 (91.7) |
48 (94.1) |
1.2 |
(0.2-7.2) |
0.836 |
Correctly treated fever with correct dose of ACT and/or paracetamol |
38 (63.3) |
38 (74.5) |
1.7 |
(0.7-4.1) |
0.286 |
Diarrhea: |
N = 16 |
N = 12 |
Correctly classified |
14 (87.5) |
12 (100) |
n/a |
Correctly treated with correct dose of ORS and zinc |
3 (18.8) |
8 (66.7) |
5.8 |
(0.9-38.5) |
0.067 |
Respiratory conditions: |
N = 41 |
N = 39 |
Correctly classified after breath count done |
27 (65.9) |
26 (66.7) |
0.7 |
(0.3-2.3) |
0.606 |
Correctly treated with correct dose of amoxi or comfort measures for cough/cold | 32 (78.1) | 26 (66.7) | 0.6 | (0.2-2.0) | 0.418 |
aOR – adjusted odds ratio, CI – confidence interval, iCCM – integrated community case management , RDT – rapid diagnostic test, ORS – oral rehydration salts, n/a – non applicable, RECO – relais communautaire
*Adjusted for age of the child, the condition and complexity of the child’s condition, the age, sex, education and occupation of the RECO and the health zone.
†Complexity of the child’s condition dropped because of co-linearity.