Fig. 2. Genetic relationship of HST and Scladina to Vindija 33.19 and the Altai Neandertal.
The three possible tree topologies relating these Neandertals (H/S, HST or Scladina) are depicted in the middle. Mutations occurring on the internal branch (white points) produce an allelic configuration (A, ancestral; D, derived) that is informative of the underlying tree topology. Genome-wide counts of sites with the described configurations are presented on both sides (HST on left and Scladina on right) on the x axis. Lighter colors correspond to results using the alignments to the human reference hg19 (original) and to both hg19 and the Neandertalized reference (no reference bias). The darker points are corrected for present-day human DNA contamination assuming 2.0 and 5.5% contamination in the deamination-filtered fragments from HST and Scladina, respectively. The Vindija-like configuration (red) is the most supported topology after correcting for reference bias and contamination. The two other topologies are the result of incomplete lineage sorting and are equally likely. Bars represent 95% binomial CIs.